This year marks the 28th Anniversary of the first Sigma Lambda Beta man to enter our Omega Chapter. On this day, we remember Brother Victor Correa-Ortiz’s passing and encourage everyone to become aware of how to perform hands-only CPR so that future tragedies like this can be avoided.
Victor Correa Ortiz was a mechanical engineering student at Stony Brook University in New York. In his freshman year, shortly after his initiation, Victor went back to Puerto Rico to visit his family. During his visit, while spending time at the beach, he was pulled underwater and drowned. No bystander present that day was aware or willing to administer CPR at the time to possibly save his life.
In 2019 Sigma Lambda Beta created this video to inform brothers on how to perform CPR. While some of the old-heads who learned CPR years ago may wonder where the mouth to mouth resuscitation went, in 2008, Hands-Only CPR was introduced as a way to get more bystanders to be involved in an emergency. While mouth to mouth resuscitation can still be valuable for drowning victims, immediate hands-only CPR can double a person’s chances of survival.
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