28 years ago, on December 23rd, 1992 the first member of Sigma Lambda Beta was initiated into our Omega chapter. Since that day, Sigma Lambda Beta has seen 47 additional men enter the ranks of Omega. Whether the end of a brother’s life was sudden and tragic or was preceded by a long road of pain and suffering, the loss of each of these members impacts those they leave behind. While there may be nothing that can be done to fill the loss felt when a loved one dies, there are some immediate needs that arise for a family when a loved one passes away that the brotherhood can support.
The Sigma Lambda Beta Omega Fund was formed to help families meet the unexpected costs that arise after a brother of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity dies. To accomplish this, we have established a fundraising and recognition model that will provide from $500 to $2,500 to the families of brothers after their death.
To be eligible for these funds, members of a brother’s crossing chapter must meet two donating thresholds: a one-time donation of $300 and a monthly recurring donation of $25. With these two small donations we can ensure that the family of every brother receives a helping hand during their time of need.
From now until December 23rd, in honor of the 28th anniversary of our first Omega Chapter Brother, the Omega Fund is seeking the first 28 chapters to meet their Stage 1, $300 donation. A special thanks goes to the Theta and Kappa chapters who have already met their Stage 1 Donation. We will highlight the continued progress from now through the 23rd on our website and social media platforms and ask that you like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @slbomegafund
While the below infographic begins to explain the concept of how the Omega Fund functions we understand that there will be additional questions. We invite our alumni brothers to join us for one of our info sessions to learn more about how the Omega Fund will serve the needs of our community. To receive the link for one of the informational sessions please sign up here.
Daniel "el Movimiento" Mendez
Sigma Lambda Beta Omega Fund Chairman
